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Simple Tips for Taking Entrance Examinations

It takes a lot of hard work to prepare for entrance exams but along with hard work, knowing some tips and tricks can only benefit your preparation. Remember, cracking an entrance exam is not about hard work but about doing your best in the examination hall. We bring you 8 simple tips to help you prepare for entrance exams.

8 SIMPLE TIPS for Taking Entrance Examinations

  1. Don’t stay up studying the night before the exam. A rested is what’s important.

  2. Don’t overeat before the exam. Try to have light food with you during the exam.

  3. Eat brain food, like dark chocolates or peanuts, at least 30 minutes before the exam.

  4. If possible, take a 90-minute or so nap before the exam.

  5. Don’t cram your preparations. Study in short but frequent streaks.

  6. Practice reading and understanding in a faster pace. There is time pressure for exams.

  7. If you do pray to your god/s, pray for a clear mind and a light heart during the exam.

  8. After the examination just be positive and think that you will pass.

However, not everyone will get in the school of their choice. Slots are limited, and only the best of the best during entrance examinations will have the right to brag about getting in this university or the other. But I wish you all luck! Fighting!!!

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